Over 65 years of unmatched heritage
and innovation in space solar cells
Over 65 years of unmatched heritage
and innovation in space solar cells
Have a question about our products, or want to collaborate on your project?
Spectrolab offers a range of GaInP/GaAs/Ge lattice matched 3J solar cells with efficiencies reaching 32%. All 3J technologies are fully AIAA S111 and S112 qualified. Spectrolab's space solar cells can be purchased as bare cells or assemblies complete with space-qualified coverglass, bypass diode, and interconnects for welded connections between solar cells (CICs).
NEW XTE Family of Cells
Spectrolab's Industry Leading Technology with 32% efficiency!
XTJ Prime
Spectrolab's Production Leader
77cm2 Class (SuperCell)
Triple Junction Solar Cell
The greatest share of Spectrolab's product deliveries are fully assembled space solar panels. Based on a customer's specifications for maximum area, operating temperature and voltage, and the mission environment and duration, Spectrolab engineers maximize performance for End of Life performance. The panel substrates onto which Spectrolab's multijunction circuits are bonded and wired to terminations, are provided as customer-furnished equipment.
Spectrolab manufactures and tests fully-integrated solar panels for commercial, civil and defense missions. These solar panels are then delivered to satellite prime contractors for integration onto spacecraft. Pictured here are typical examples of large solar panels.