World's leading supplier of mulitjunction
solar cells and high-intensity searchlight systems
World's leading supplier of mulitjunction
solar cells and high-intensity searchlight systems
Have a question about our products, or want to collaborate on your project?
Space Cells
32.2% XTE-SF (Standard Fluence) Solar Cells
32.1% XTE-HF (High Fluence) Solar Cells
31.6% XTE-LILT (Low Intensity Low Temperature) Solar Cells
30.7% NeXt Triple junction Prime (XTJP) Solar Cells
Nightsun® XP Searchlight
Nightsun® XP IFCO (In-flight Change Over)
SX-16 Nightsun®
SX-16 Nightsun® Enhanced
SX-16 Nightsun® IFCO
SX-16 Nightsun® IFCO Enhanced
SX-5 Starburst
SX-7 Starsun
Spectrolink (Integrated Communication Linking System for Spectrolab Searchlights)
Solar Simulators
X-25B Solar Simulator
Large Area Pulsed Solar Simulation (LAPSS II)